Hi! Here's a computer I built August 2, 2001 for QuakeCon2001. Too bad I didn't get place in the case competition. They only had one category and my case doesn't exactly fit. I was hoping they'd have a weird case category :)
So here it is - ToiletPC !!! Before everyone emails me about it, I'll spout off the wisecracks first :) "Yeah this sure is a shitty computer" ... "Man that computer is full of crap." ... "Is that really your dump site?" (yes it is:) ... "Get a load of that shit!" ... are we done yet? :)
I think that's about all I have to say. Just look at the pictures dammit :)
System specs Case (if you can call it that) $9.00 Child's Training Toilette from Wal-Mart Power Supply 145Watt MicroATX power supply Motherboard ASUS CUSI-FX (Flex atx motherboard) Processor Intel PIII - 933MHz (I would have used an AMD chip if i could have found a Flex ATX board in time) RAM 256MB Generic PC133 HDD 45GB Western Digital Video PCI ATI Radeon VE (I should have used a PCI GeForce MX - it's faster.) Sound Onboard Network Onboard Power Switch Toilet Flusher from Home Depot (my favorite computer mod store) $3.99
Click here see pictures of other wacky cases I have made
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