Welcome to EnVaDoR's Case pictures website. This is where I post pictures of strange, unusual and weird computer cases I've made ... and whatever else I feel like putting online :)
UPDATE! I launched an actual product. The GoGoStand folding iPhone (all generations) stand that fits in your wallet. Check it out at www.GoGoStand.com
10/13/2010 -
New Mod! The ArcadeDock for Lenovo. And yes, LovePC still
ain't gettin' no love. It's been moved from one storage unit to another. Someday...
1/29/2007 -
LCD Touchframe!
Ok, so LovePC is still sitting in the corner,
looking for love in all the wrong places. In the
meantime, check out the LCD Touchframe I made from used
parts off Craigslist! :)
if you like my work.
4/20/2006 -
"What happens to old Mods?"
What happens to a mod after its 15 minutes of
fame? It gets gutted and the parts get re-used for other
mods. If it's lucky, the latest mod could become my
daily-use computer for a few months. This was the case
for LovePC -- it was my main desktop computer for most of
2003. Many mods came and went, but LovePC dutifully
performed its tasks. Eventually I got a laptop and
LovePC's coin slots began collecting dust, the tissue ran
out, case lights dimmed, and the LCD completely stopped
working. My cat even took a leak on the video
card when I once left the case open to
connect an extra hard drive. (Jealous cat?)
housing moves later, LovePC has been sitting in my closet(s)
for nearly 3 years... Since sponsor support for my next mod
has been pretty slow, it's time to take matters into my own
hands. Over the next few days/weeks, I'll restore
LovePC to its former glory with an updated CPU and
motherboard, replacing lights, the PSU, and getting the LCD
functioning again. Once done, I'm going to try my luck on
eBay and see how much I get get for this thing. It's had
share in the limelight, so maybe some kind
soul could ante up a bit of cash to help fund my hobby!
Check back for updates!
3/26/2006 - ASP AJAX LinkTracker
I've released an ASP AJAX Link Tracker that keeps a list of link clicks. This is
different than a hit counter or a visitor log because the Link Tracker is a utility
you add for each of your web pages. A special hotkey (Ctrl-X) triggers the Link
Tracker and overlays all links on the page with a hit counter. This is especially
useful for analyzing what links are popuplar to your visitors.
Click to view more -->
5/11/2005 - OWANotify.exe - OWA New Mail Notification
I've been working on a VB.NET application these past few weekends. If you
use Outlook Web Access to check email, you'll know that the new mail notification
is a little lacking. This program is basically an Outlook mail icon that
sits in your system tray to monitor your Outlook Web Access account. It notifies
you with msn-style popups when you have new mail.
Click to view more -->
8/16/2004 - New Site Layout
Hey everyone! I had my friend help me design a new
layout for my site. Shout outs to OutCaster for the
awesome design!
Send questions and comments to
[email protected]